Hello everybody! Today I bring you March's interview on day ahead :3 This time the spotlight is on Immortality of Soul, and the interview was answered by Jay (the manager), BoRa and BoMi (the founders and main sculptors of the company). As always, are images are being posted with permission from IoS, and the text is both in English and Spanish.
Hello! Thank you so much for allowing the interview! J: Hello, I’m Jay H., the President of IOS Inc. It’s a pleasure to do this interview. I’ll do my best to answer any questions. R: Hi, my name is BoRa. I’m one of the original sculptors of IOS. Thank you for your interest. :) M: My name is BoMi. I am also one of the original sculptors of IOS. As you can guess, Bora and I are twin sisters.:) I am very pleased to do this interview. Thank you so much. |
¡Hola! ¡Muchas gracias por permitirme hacer la entrevista!
J: Hola, soy Jay H., presidente de IOS Inc. Es un placer hacer esta entrevista. Haré lo mejor para responder a las preguntas. R: Hola, mi nombre es BoRa. Soy una de los escultores originales de IOS. Gracias por tu interés :) M: Mi nombre es BoMi. También soy una de los escultores originales de IOS. Como puedes adivinar, Bora y yo somos hermanas gemelas :) Estoy encantada de hacer esta entrevista. Muchas gracias. |
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A1 new ver. Sold by IOS. Photo by IOS. |
How did you decided to start IoS? Also, do you have a workspace to share with us? R: My major was western painting at high school and college for the arts. After college, I worked as a painting instructor, but I soon quit because that wasn’t the job I wanted. I was very interested in sculpting - horses, cats, animals, people, etc. - from a young age. I decided to be an art sculptor and I worked for a few years. Then, I got to know BJD by chance, and started to sculpt dolls. Since then, I have again studied anatomy, resin casting and all about BJDs. I have started the company IOS in 2006. M: Twins can often have the same fate :). My older sister and I have been to the same school, attended the same class, and have the same major. I worked as a painting instructor longer than her. When her company was in its infancy, she had such a hard time because she operated everything. But she looked happy doing the work she wanted. As orders increased, she had to expand the company, and recommended that we work together. I agreed and joined her. R: I taught her so much things. :) M: I don't think so, I studied hard myself. Now I love dolls tremendously, even more than her. |
¿Cómo decidieron comenzar IoS? Además, tienen un espacio de trabajo para compartir con nosotros? R: Mi título fue pintura occidental en la secundaria, y artes en la universidad. Después de la universidad, trabajé como instructora de pintura, pero rápidamente dejé porque no era el trabajo que quería. Estaba muy interesada en modelar –caballos, gatos, animales, personas, etc.- desde una edad muy temprana. Decidí que quería ser una escultora de arte y trabajé por un par de años. Después, conocí las BJD por una casualidad y comencé a modelar muñecas. Desde entonces, he vuelto a estudiar anatomía, casteo en resina y todo sobre las BJD. Comencé la compañía IOS en 2006. M: Los gemelos a veces tienen el mismo destino :). Mi hermana mayor y yo hemos ido a la misma escuela, atendimos las mismas clases, y tenemos el mismo título. Trabajé como instructora de pintura por más tiempo que ella. Cuando la compañía estaba surgiendo, ella la pasó difícil porque tenía que operar todo sola. Pero se veía feliz haciendo lo que quería. Cuando las órdenes se incrementaron, tuvo que expander la compañía y recomendó que trabajáramos juntos. Estuve de acuerdo y me uní a ella. R: Le enseñé muchas cosas :) M: No lo creo, también estudié duro por mi cuenta. Ahora amo las muñecas tremendamente, incluso más que ella. |
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Left: Bora and Bomi. Right: Class50 in process. |
How many people work at IoS? J: Few people work at IOS as the process of designing dolls is handled by two sculptors. We has three teams – the design team including sculptors, the production team, the shipping team. I operate the company and manage the projects. I think I have carried out the most important missions and the core of the company is me. :) R: No way! xD M: It is just his opinion.! |
¿Cuántas personas trabajan en IoS? J: Pocas personas trabajan en IOS dado que el proceso de diseñar las muñecas está hecho por dos escultoras. Tenemos tres equipos –el equipo de diseño, el de producción y el de envío. Yo opero la compañía y manejo los proyectos. Creo que he llevado a cabo las misiones y que soy el centro de la compañía :) R: ¡De ningún modo! xD M: ¡Esa es sólo su opinión! |
All of your designs have a very distinctive and attractive aesthetic. Is there any goal/motto behind your designs? J: I think our work is based on anatomy primarily. The thing is, feeling the beauty for us would be due to the ideal ratio of bones and the delicate features of muscles. We aim to make these things. R: I want to actualize fanciful characters or realize the real faces perfectly. Those are two ways we work. Every doll is handmade from start to finish. I think it would be better than 3D work for a more natural expression. M: I usually focus on attractive things – characters, people, styles. These provide inspiration for me in abundance. I just grab my hera, clay and start work. |
Todos sus diseños tienen una estética muy atractiva y distintiva. ¿Hay algún objetivo o meta detrás de sus diseños? J: Creo que nuestro trabajo está primariamente basado en anatomía. La cosa es, sentir la belleza sería para nosotros consecuencia de la proporción ideal de huesos y las delicadas características de los músculos. R: Quisiera actualizar personajes o percibir los rostros reales perfectamente. Esas son las dos formas en las que trabajamos. Cada muñeca es hecha a mano desde el principio hasta el final. Creo que sería mejor que trabajo en 3D para una expresión más natural. M: yo, de hecho, me centro en cosas atractivas –personajes, personas, estilos. Esos me proven inspiración en abundancia. Simplemente tomo mis herramientas, la masilla, y empiezo a trabajar. |
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Some of Bora's work. |
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Levi from SnK by IOS. Photo by IOS. |
How do you design your dolls? Will you share some of the process with us? J: As I mentioned, all processes of doll designing are performed by sculptors – including making mold forms, make-up, and photography. I never meddle in their work, but I always talk to them about my views. It can be very helpful.:D R: That is just his opinion, too.:( In my desk, there are a lot of books about anatomy that I always refer to. I like movies and animations enormously. I used to be inspired by these. Sometimes, I make a sketch. I just start working, realizing the image in my brain. M: If good idea strikes me, I crazily gather information at first – images, photos, illustrations, videos, etc. Then, I go to bed. The next morning, the modeling is complete in my mind. |
¿Cómo diseñan sus muñecas? ¿Compartirían parte del proceso con nosotros? J: Como lo mencioné, todos los procesos de diseñar las muñecas son llevados a cabo por los escultores –incluyendo hacer los moldes, maquillaje y fotografía. Nunca me entrometo en su trabajo, pero siempre les doy mis opiniones. Puede ser muy útil :D R: Esa también es sólo su opinión :( En mi escritorio hay muchos libros sobre anatomía a los que siempre me refiero. Me gustan mucho las películas y la animación. Solía estar muy inspirada por esas. A veces hago bocetos. Simplemente empiezo a trabajar, con la imagen en mi cabeza. M: Si una buena idea me golpea, primero reúno información de forma loca –imágenes, fotos, ilustraciones, videos, etc. Después, me voy a dormir. A la siguiente mañana, el modelado está completo en mi cabeza. |
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Work in progress of the Class60 body. |
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Sketch by Bomi. |
All of your dolls are really handsome male dolls. However, on your front page a female body can be seen on sculpting process. Are you planning on releasing female dolls? J: Yes, we are preparing a female body. It is just a matter of the time. It will be very powerful character. I saw the sketch by the sculptor BoMi once; it was not ordinary. |
Todos sus moldes son hombres muy apuestos. De todas formas, en su página principal tienen una foto de un cuerpo femenino en proceso de modelado. ¿Están planeando lanzar su primera muñeca mujer? J: Sí, estamos preparando un cuerpo de mujer. Es sólo cosa de tiempo. Será un personaje muy poderoso. Vi el boceto de la escultora BoMi; no era ordinario. |
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Work in progress of female body (right). |
Is there a most-popular sculpt? And a personal favorite? R: The most popular molds were Sezz and Osiris. I want to launch dolls that are more beautiful and perfect in the future. M: My best-selling works were Lacrimosa and Infernale. I had an especially hard time making Infernale’s tongues, so I have a special affection for them. J: I think a favorite mold depends on country preferences. We will do our best to satisfy customers country by country. |
¿Tienen algún molde más popular? ¿Y algún favorite personal? R: Los moldes más populares fueron Sezz y Osiris. Quiero lanzar más moldes hermosos y perfectos en el futuro. M: Mis trabajos que más vendieron fueron Lacrimosa e Infernale. De hecho, tuve un tiempo complicado haciendo las lenguas de Infernale, así que tengo un afecto especial para ellas. J: creo que los moldes favoritos varían según las preferencias de los países. Haremos lo mejor para satisfacer a los clientes país a país. |
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Top left: Infernale's tongue while sculpting. Top right: Infernale sculpt promo shot. Bottom: Lacrimosa sculpt promo shot. |
Sadly, the BJD hobby is suffering a lot from recasted/bootlegged dolls. What is your statement on this regard? J: We could not completely prevent illegal recasters. All BJD companies have desperately tried to stop it, but they haven't been able to. I think we have to provide a system for distinguishing between a genuine doll and an illegal doll. So, we are operating an authenticity system by numbers. If you purchase our doll, you can register the number on our web-site with your name, which lasts forever. |
Lamentablemente, el hobby de BJDs está sufriendo mucho por las muñecas recasteadas/bootleg. ¿Cuál es su opinión en este tema? J: No hemos podido prevenir completamente el recasteo ilegal. Todas las compañías de BJD han intentado desesperadamente detenerlo, pero no hemos sido capaces. Creo que tenemos que proveer un sistema para distinguir entre una muñeca genuina de una ilegal. Así, estamos operando un sistema de autenticidad por números. Si compras una muñeca, puedes registrar el número en el sitio web con tu nombre, lo que dura para siempre. |
Finally, anything else you want to share with us? J: There are the new dolls I expect to gain much interest among customers. We have made a contract with ‘Black Butler’, and are receiving orders of the Ciel doll. We will release the Class80 new doll ‘Jade’, soon. It has a real face shape with real skin make-up. Please give us your interest.:) Thank you so much. |
Finalmente ¿hay algo más que les gustaría compartir con nosotros? J: Hay nuevas muñecas de las que espero que ganemos mucho interés entre los clientes. Hemos hecho un contrato con ‘Black Butler’ y hemos recibido pedidos para Ciel. Estamos por lanzar la nueva muñeca de Class80 ‘Jade’ muy pronto. Tiene una rostro y tono de piel muy real. Por favor, dennos su interés :) Muchas gracias. |
You can find Immortality of Soul (IOS) on the next sites:
- Web: http://dollios.com
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dollios
- Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/iosdoll
- Tumblr: http://immortalityofsoul.tumblr.com/
I hope you all enjoyed this interview as much as I enjoyed doing it! Please, feel free to share the link and spread the love, but do not repost! Share the link! If you want to see an artist/company featured on an interview, let me know! I will try my best to contact them an arrange an interview :3
Great interview :D It's always very interesting reading about Companies, where you own a doll from. I'm very happy about my IOS Anos, so it was nice to read this :3
ReplyDeleteThank you!! Yes, I love doing the interviews and learning about BJD companies :3
DeleteGlad you liked it!
Great interview, they seem like very nice and funny people, and their dolls are gorgeous!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! Yes, I like how they answered everything :3
DeleteIOS is one of the companies that I've been following since I started this hobby and it's lovely to find out more about them! ♥ They had a really great dynamic in this interview, it was a lot of fun to read, haha~ xD
ReplyDeleteI do wonder when my poor IOS boys will get bodies. :'D I got them before IOS had any bodies of their own and once they finally released a body - they also changed their resin colours completely so that my old boys are no longer a match, lol. Oh well, maybe someday I'll solve the body issue... I love many of the Class80 guys, but I really don't think I could handle having such a big doll! Already 70cm guys are huge to me. So I guess I'll just admire them in other people's photos. :'3 And I'm super thrilled that now IOS does these collabs of my favourite manga series, I absolutely loved their Levi doll, the likeness is so amazing! ♥ Ciel is also wonderful (although, I'm not a huge fan of the Circus look, I'd prefer one of his usual outfits) and I can't wait to see what else they have planned for their Kuroshitsuji collabs. Sebastian they're going to make at least, I'm so looking forward to that. Their own "Sebastian", Osiris, is one of my favourite sculpts ever. *___* ♥ ... whoops, sorry, the manga nerd in me took over. >.>;;
Anyway, it's great that you keep doing these interviews, they're always interesting to read. ^^
Hey! Yes, the Levi doll was so amazing! I'm sure they will do Sebastian (I think they already mentioned they will do it). Don't worry, I read a lot of manga too :3
DeleteThank you for the comment and the support!! :D
Estupenda entrevista! Me encantó que todos respondieran y me encantaron los chicos. Te felicito.
ReplyDelete¡Gracias! :D
DeleteYay! Another one of your awesome interviews! Thank you for doing it. It's so interesting to learn more about the people behind the companies. How cool is it, that both twins can sculpt so well *^^*
ReplyDeleteI look forward to seeing their girl body :D
Thank you! I'm so happy you liked it :3
DeleteThe girl body looks amazing so far :D
Thank you so much for the interview.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting to know the sculptors are twins, I love their works and glad I had one of their works :D
Can't wait for their new body parts !!
Thanks for reading! I also found the interview really interesting :3
DeleteThanks for the interview! I really like their character dolls, like Ciel, although they have gorgeous original sculpts as well. And they seem like a very nice bunch of people! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks to you for reading!! :D
DeleteAll their sculpts are amazing, to be honest :3