There will be three posts like this. Mature minis is the first and current post, the next one will address realistic minis (usually pin headed) and the third one will include mature bodies that work well for hybrids (no heads, because they are usually too stylized or big). We are also talking about female dolls only, because mature males in this size are so hard to get! I may research this if somebody is interested.
I selected the companies I will list here by a rule of thumb. To fit in this category, the BJDs should be 1/4 sized, have mature body and mature face (not stylized, mostly oval instead of rounded or v-shaped). The head should be around 6-7", which is slighlty bigger than "realistic proportions" but still small compared to the regular childish/stylized MSD type. Similarly, all dolls on this list will mostly use 10~12mm eyes, and will probably require 5.5cm shoes. The bodies should be mature (not a childish body with push-up boobs).
The post is long, and I try to address the same things for each company: head measures, body options (breasts, and all), available skin tones, if they have basics/limiteds/pre-order/choice system, and if they offer custom face-up or not. Also, I will add as "other" any extra information I may have about the store/dolls.
Hope you'll find this useful and interesting! The list starts under the cut, and all images belong to the stores! Warning to doll nudity, of course, there are pics of the doll bodies.
Iplehouse JID
Head Size: the newest sculpts (Isar, Soa, Cecile, Violet and Sierra) had 6-7" heads, while the older sculpts may be more of a 7". I found this info on DoA, and it was a reply by Iplehouse to a customer.
Eyes: 10mm~12mm, preferably small iris, low dome.
Face ups: They offer default faceups, and through the Doll Choice you can ask for the faceup of another Iplehouse doll, regardless of size. They also do custom faceups.
Skin Tones: Urethane resin in colors (from white to ebony), and now environmental/french resin (from white to light brown). The french resin colors are called "Glow".
Body Options: There three types of bust, from flat to full, and two types of thigh joints. Also, new JIDs come with the new and detailed hands.
Sales Type: They have basic dolls, and from thr 1st to 15th of each month you can buy thought the Doll Choice system, which offers darker skin tones and other options. They have limited and they have done some re-releases.
Other Info: This dolls are not strung traditionally, and the leg strings go from one leg to the other through the crutch, instead of going up to the head. For what I've read this causes floppy legs, and people on DoA recommends heavy sueding and thicker elastics to improve this. Also, some people have directly drilled the torso so the dolls would be strung traditionally.
Links: Body Review by Iplehouse and Basics JID Sales Page. I also interviewed Iplehouse.
Withdoll Minis
Head Size: 6-7". Old boy sculpts wear 7-8" wigs.
Eyes: 10~12mm, preferably low dome. Some sculpts fit 12mm Makos, but they are too big in others.
Face ups: Default face-up only, although they accept minor changes such as "don't do the black dots in the mouth" or "dark brown eyebrows", and so on. I have personally tested those examples xD. Also, they outsource faceups.
Skin Tones: They have a wide range, and use both urethane and environmental/french resin. The tones that have a "(UV)" on its name, are environmental resin. Withdoll usually does "skin tone" events and you can buy the basic dolls in darker colors.
Body Options: Two bust sizes (small and large). For an unknown reason, the knees are single jointed while the elbows are double jointed.
Sales Types: Basic dolls and Limited dolls. They tend to do a lot of re-releases of their limiteds, and their dolls are fairly inexpensive in the second hand market. They also do a lot of discount events.
Other: It is strongly suggested to re-string the body with thicker elastics (use 3mm for arms, and 3.5mm for legs) and due sueding or hot-glue. It improves the body pose-ability a lot.
Links: Withdoll Site. (Their dolls are not discriminated by size on the site).You can also see LadyVenetica's body review, and Withdoll's Interview.
Souldoll Soulkids
Head Size: They are mostly 6-7". Some heads look younger than others
Eyes: I've seen some sculpts with 14mm Makos, but most of them, specially the newest sculpts, will use 10-12mm.
Face ups: Souldoll offers default faceups and custom faceups.
Skin Tones: They use only urethane resin, and have white, normal and two tones of tan. Not all of their dolls are available in tan. They have done limited in gray and lavander.
Body Options: They had several bodies for this type, but the post focuses in the NL Body. It has two bust sizes (large and small). You can buy the opposite size as an extra part (increases the cost).
Sales Types: They have basic dolls and limited editions. I haven't heard of them doing any type of re-releases.
Links: Souldoll Soulkid basic girls sales page.You can also check LadyVenetica's body review.
Luts ModelDelf
Head Size: Close to 6".
Eyes: 8~10mm. Probably a 12mm for no gaping.
Face ups: Luts only offers default.
Skin Tones: From white to dark tan. The lighter tan does not add cost to the order.
Body Options: You can choose between two types of elbow joints, two type of knee joints (in both cases they look different but have the same range of motion), and three bust sizes. You can also buy the body only.
Sales Types: Basic dolls and limited. I haven't seen a re-release of ModelDelf limiteds, although Luts did re-release some tinies (the zebras and centaurs).
Links: Body sales page and Basic ModelDelf sales page.
Supia Minisup
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 10~12mm.
Face ups: Only default, in natural or smoky version.
Skin Tones: They offer white, normal or tan.
Body Options: MiniSup has actually two bodies, a single jointed and a double jointed, which are very similar to the bodies of the 60cm dolls. There is no bust option, though, but the double jointed body has a bigger bust than the other one.
Sales Types: Basic dolls only.
Other Information: I have read a lot of good things about the single jointed body, and it appears that with sueding and thight strings, it poses incredibly well. Also, the chest joints are different on each body. Also, some sculpts look younger than others.
Links: Supia MiniSup sales page.
Dollits DKD
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 10~12mm.
Face ups: Default faceups only.
Skin Tones: Only white and normal, for now.
Body Options: Only medium bust for now, but the sculptor has said he will release a small one too. There are option hands available.
Sales Types: Basic only, so far.
Other Information: The sculptor is J. Baek. He previously worked with Iplehouse and later released the GSE line with Doll In Mind. Now he is full-time working on his brand.
Links: Dollits DKD basic girls.You can check J. Baek's interview.
Soom Rosette - Muse body
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 10~12mm. These dolls are "prepared" to use Soom's silicone eyes, and have thuds in the eye wells inside their head, with the aim of holding the silicone eye without using putty. I have read of people who cut the thuds with an exacto knife to use other eyes.
Face ups: Default only.
Skin Tones: White, normal and tan, although the latest sale reported inconsistencies in the colors.
Body Options: Lady (big) and Girl (small) brest. There is also the Muse (43cm) and Pure (47cm) body. The Pure body also has a hip joint, while the Muse does not. It includes knee-caps, which are small parts that cover the knee joint when bent, to give a smoother look.
Sales Types: Originally, they only had limiteds. Then, they moved to add a basic line. When Rosette changed manager in late 2014/early 2015, they established pre-order dates each 3~4 months for their basic dolls. Currently, everything is sold out.
Other Information: In mid 2015 their new manager quit. I don't know why or how, but since then, there has been no activity on this line, and DoA's thread is mostly silent because there is no info available. Rosettes were also excluded from a Soom survey, which lead people to believe the line may be dead or closed.
Links: Soom Rosette site.You can check LadyVenetica's body review and Soom Rosette's interview.
AquariusDoll AQR45
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 8~12mm, depending on the sculpt.
Face ups: Default faceups only.
Skin Tones: From white to tan.
Body Options: Small or large bust only.
Sales Types: Basic dolls. Some sculpts have several heads with different eyes. Also, they do not sell body only or head only: you have to buy a full doll. They only did one time-limited release.
Other Information: If I recall correctly, this company came to be at early 2013/late 2012. They didn't have a huge impact on the collectors, but they have managed to keep it up. Also, this dolls have a thicker neck than others in the list (7cm) and therefore can be nicely hybridized with Minifees: for what I've seen, the white skin of both companies matches, but I don't know more than this. This dolls are considerably inexpensive in the second hand market.
Links: Aquarious AQR45 basic sales page.
Unoa Elder Sister
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 10~12mm, but I have no info on what fits.
Face ups: Since the current best way of getting this dolls are the B-Grade kits of UnoAlchemy, faceups are not available.
Skin Tones: Fresh/Fairy skins (light tones). UnoAlchemy has managed to get some tan Unoas but they are not common.
Body Options: Small/Big bust options.
Sales Types: You can get what they have in stock. Sometimes there is no bust option availability, and skin tones may be limited. There are only two face sculpts available only.
Other Information: UnoAlchemy offers B-Grade kits, which are dolls with slight imperfections, and thus they sale by stock and options are limited. They are all legit, though! Some tan Unoas have been sold by lottery because they were just too few. This dolls tend to be really expensive and hard to get on the second hand market.
Links: UnoAlchemy Dolls Available.
Bimong Narae
Head Size: 6-7". The sculpt N40U has a 5" head.
Eyes: 10~12mm, preferably low dome.
Face ups: They offer default faceups.
Skin Tones: From white to tan, and is advertised as "korean resin", and it appears to be urethane or epoxy resin. I'm not quite sure on this. Not all of the tones are always available, so you need to check the web site to see what is there.
Body Options: There are two bust types, but you can't chose. Each head comes with a different bust size and that is why you get.
Sales Types: After all the issues Bimong had, he now runs his own web store. He started by selling dolls already in stock with fixed presets, but now he offers some basic dolls too.
Other Information: I haven't heard of these dolls (from Art-Bimong store) having any of the past issues (terribly greening/yellowing, warping, and so on). DoA's thread seem to be quite active now, too.
Links: Art Bimong basic dolls.
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 10~12mm.
Face ups: Default faceup only.
Skin Tones: Normal skin only.
Body Options: Three bust types (from flat to full) and two thight joint types.
Sales Types: They were basic dolls, but there are currently sold out. Some can be found in DoA's second hand marketplace. After this notice and DiM's news, the GSE dolls are discontinued.
You can get this body only if you get a human/elf Flowne (you can choose the body as an option). Here is human version doll and elf version doll; also, there is a box opening of Flowne with GSE body on DoA. Thanks to Fantasywoods for the information! It is worth noting that the Flowne head sells decently in the second hand market.
Other Information: This dolls were sculpted by J.Baek, the owner of Dollits. Some sculpts (like Miso) can now be found at Dollits. I have no info regarding if the GSE discontinuation is permanent, of it J. Baek will scult a GSE-lile body for his Dollits DKD line.
Links: DiM GSE Basic Dolls.
Switch HummingDolly 41
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: They recommend 14mm, but the iris covers almost all the eyewell. A 12mm would be the ideal size.
Face ups: As far as I know, Switch doesn't offer faceups.
Skin Tones: White and Normal only.
Body Options: You can choose the torso: with or without joint. It also has heel legs. Sales Types: Switch works by monthly sales, or limiteds. You can't get these dolls as basics, though.
Other Information: DoA's thread about these dolls have been too quiet, and I haven't seen many of these dolls on the second hand marketplace either.
Links: Switch website.
Mydolling Hee-ah

Photos by AlasseCarnesir. Thank you!
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 10-12mm.
Face ups: Default faceup only.
Skin Tones: White, normal and light tan.
Body Options: There are no options for this body, as it has only one bust size.
Sales Types: Basic dolls only.
Links: Mydolling sales page. The artist's Flickr has some photos.
DreamingDoll Little Elva
Head Size: 6-7", although closer to 7".
Eyes: The dolls are promoted with 14mm eyes, but the irises cover everything and almost no white can be seen. A 12mm should be an ideal size for this dolls.
Face ups: Default faceup only.
Skin Tones: White, normal and tan.
Body Options: The 'default' body is the one in the pictures above (I'm sorry, those artistic photos were the only ones I could get), while the 'junior' body has flat chest and no torso joints.
Sales Types: Basic dolls. You can purchase only the body.
Other Information: You can check sdrcow's review about this body. He did an amazing job showing how well it poses. Also, some head sculpts are more stylized than other, or younger than others. This is also the most big-headed doll of the list.
Links: Basic dolls sales page and body only sales page.
Freakstyle Minis
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 10mm.
Face ups: Not available.
Skin Tones: Depends on the doll and in the pre-order. They were first cast by Dollshe Casting Service, and now the artist is working with Harucasting.
Body Options: There are a lot of bodies. The artist creates a new body for each head sculpt, and they are diverse and different from what is usually in the market. You can find thick bodies and completely flat bodies (like the new one, but I don't have pictures of it).
Sales Types: As this is a one-person studio, the dolls can be bought by pre-order only, when the artist opens them.
Links: Freakstyle website.You can check Freakstyle's interview here.
SmilesDolls Fashion Line
Head Size: 6". They are actually close to a 6".
Eyes: 8~10mm, low dome preferably.
Face ups: Default faceup only.
Skin Tones: Normal or light tan.
Body Options: Small or big bust.
Sales Types: The dolls were originally basics, but now they are quantity limited.
Other Information: There is not much info about this dolls, but they are approved in DoA. They are also the dolls with the smallest head on this list.
Links: SmilesDolls sales page.
Limwha 43cm
Head Size: 6-7".
Eyes: 8~10mm, preferably low dome.
Face ups: Default faceup only.
Skin Tones: White or Normal.
Body Options: There are no body options, no bust options either.
Sales Types: Basic dolls only.
Other Information: It was hard to get info on these dolls, they are beautiful but not that popular.
Links: EOS-Doll sales page or Junky Spot sales page (official dealer).
Elfdoll 1/4
I wasn't able to find too much info on them, and the only site I found that sales them was The Doll Peddlar. The official website stated in DoA doesn't have any sale up, so I chose to only list the name.
OK, this was it! It took me around quite some work to prepare the list, so I hope you find this useful! I want to thank my friend Tsukiyono for helping me with the research so go and check her webcomic Fine Sometimes Rain! Also, if you want me to add more dolls to this list, let me know!
The next list would be "realistic minis" which are the pin-headed ones, and the third list will be mature bodies to make hybrids (but are originally sold with too stylized/big heads). I can make a fourth with "mature boys" sculpts, if anyone is interested! Let me know what you think :D
Have a perfect weekend everyone, and don't forget to check out the Etsy!
Me encantó, me va a servir de referencia en el futuro :D!!
ReplyDeleteSobre DiM tengo entendido que las cabezas de la línea Happy se pueden comprar con el cuerpo GSE todavía. No sé que tamaño son las cabezas de esa línea, a mí me parece que 6-7 tb, pero no puedo asegurarlo.
A mí me interesaría ver un post sobre hombres tb XD pero si es mucho pedir entonces no jaja.
Me encantó el cuerpo de dollits :D
¡Me alegro mucho que te sirva!
DeleteSobre DiM. Las Happy solo se consiguen con cuerpo Glamorous o New Body, y el GSE no se puede conseguir. Las cabezas son 7.5" por lo que vi, y demasiado estilizadas como para ser parte de la lista. El cuerpo Glamorous lo tengo para la lista de cuerpos híbridos.
Voy a hacer el de hombres, pero será el último xD
A mi también me encantan las Dollits <3
Wow! So much work in you've put in this post! Awesome, thank you so much for this hard work. I had never seen the SmilesDolls before now, I don't like their bust joint but the face of this doll is beatiful! It was truly interesting to read all this information, ah if I'd come in the hobby later, my doll story would've propably been quite different. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Glad you liked the post!!
DeleteSome of the SmilesDolls have such pretty faces <3
Awesome work Musume, some of the companies I already knew of, but others are completely new to me and bare some investigation. Thank you for breaking them all down with so much detail.
Thank you!! :D
DeleteGlad you find this useful!!!
Great idea for a post series; I'm looking forward to seeing the next two groups as well! I have quite a few mini boys, but just sold my only girl so it's interesting to look at these and think about which body might make a good replacement for her. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!! This is a lot of encouragement!!
DeleteThe other lists are shorter, but I'll try to make them ASAP.
This was very interesting~ :D Your post introduced me to several new companies I'd never heard of before!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
DeleteHappy to see this post is useful! <3
Great job on this post, Musume. It's nice to see examples of each company's dolls, especially for a few companies I hadn't heard of. It's also surprising to see how much uniformity there is from one company to another in terms of head and eye size. I will definitely be investigating some of these companies with an eye to purchasing their dolls. Can't wait to see what you do with the realistic dolls. Thanks so much for doing this!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
DeleteYes, the idea was also to categorize and list dolls that share some characteristics and that could "look well" together. That is why I excluded the fahion-doll-like BJDs from this list, because proportion-wise, they don't look that great next to these.
I do have some on my wishlist too!!
Ohhh!! *_* My favorite size! I knew they had range, but I didn't know how much range! Very cool!
ReplyDeleteMine too!! There are many options when listed!
DeleteWhat a great post! Thank you for doing this. :3
ReplyDeleteMature minis are my favorite so it was nice to see a list with information about them.
Happy to help! Mature minis are also my favorite size <3
DeleteI have anoter post coming, about realistic minis!
Wow, thank you so much for doing this series, it's so awesome to see all the information together in the one place! I'm a little embarrassed by how many dolls in this list I own - I started out with the more "big headed" look, but lately I like dolls to be more and more realistic - and it's hard to get in MSD size, so it's great to see a list like this.
ReplyDeleteI have: an Aquariusdoll Chloe, a JID Asa, a Withdoll Eliza, three separate Withdoll hybrids (eek! I just keep buying mature bodies and needing a mature head to match!) - a Souldoll large bust body with a Withdoll Nei head, a MNF body with a Mai head (they're male heads), and a Fairyline body with a Withdoll Emma head still to arrive. Also I want to get a Dollits Miso. :)
Looking forwards to seeing the other posts too, especially the realistic minis! I like that there are more being produced now - I want a Raccoon Doll myself, and I also own various Chiclines and hybrids. The only thing that puts me off is that they don't really match my other dolls!
Anyway - I really enjoy reading your blog, keep up the good work! :D
Wow those are a lot of dolls!!! I would love to see you collection, I'm sure they are all lovelies! Taste do change, I did change since I found the hobby and then got my first doll. I do have many of this on my wishlist, though (Iplehouse, Souldoll, Dollits)!
DeleteHope your Emma head arrives soon! If you ever want to do an hybrid post with me (a collab) let me know!:D
The next list is realistic minis, the 3rd mature bodies for hybrids, and the last one will be mature male dolls.
Thank you so much for the nice comment about my blog!! <3
Absolutely, happy to help on any hybrid info you need, would love to do a collab!!!! If you'd like any pics of any hybrid head swaps, or dolls next to each other for reference, let me know! I'm, uh, not that great at photography, but I could probably manage some fairly plain shots for reference purposes. Just not much with any artistic merit. :)
DeleteI do have some photos of my crew on my instagram, if you wanted to see any: Also I'm morganatron on DOA, I posted a few quick comparisons in the Withdoll thread there.
I tried my Withdoll head on my Fairyline body the other day, it looks really good! She's in some of the newer photos next to my Aquariusdoll (although the dress doesn't show the hybrid match that well). Now I just have to be patient and wait for my Emma head to arrive. :)
Thank you so much!!!
DeleteI just followed you on Instagram! Let me check the hybrids and I will DM you on Instagram! (I think it would be easier than through DoA's PM).
Sounds good! Yeah, I don't get notified of replies here - not sure how to set that up - so DM on Instagram is probably best!
DeleteWow! So thorough! Great work Musume!! :D
ReplyDeleteThis entry is sure to be a big help for a lot of people ^^
I'm glad it helps!!! :D
DeleteThe MYDOLLING Heeah body linked to is the old style. I actually have one of those dolls if you'd like me to send you some photos of the body? I have the updated body - the one that now comes with all the dolls. Just let me know your email and I can take some photos and send those through to you.
ReplyDeleteThat will be great! I had a hard time getting photos of MyDolling Heeah, to be honest! My email is musume dot desu on gmail :)
DeleteI'll take some photos today for you and send them through. It's a really nice body although I have to admit that I do like the look of the old body too. I think that one was pretty unique.
DeleteI've found websites for a heap of doll companies I didn't have through these reference posts of yours so thank you for linking them! I think I might be going window shopping today!
Thank you!! And happy you like the list.
DeleteHave a nice window shopping!