This are the dolls I own, that are tiny-sized (16cm tall). Back on the beginning, I felt very uncomfortable when I had planned Cookie to be a human child... but I do love the size. It is so much fun, and I did not wanted to sell her!. For the time that character-conflict raised on Cookie, I was watching OUAT and -as you can guess- an idea just popped up about a fantasy world with teeny tiny chibi fairies.
NOTE: I do not support recast/fake dolls. I'm pro-artist, and all my dolls are originals.
The fairy world is a strange one. Fairies are born from flowers and have a an animal spirit or guide, that is also their animal form. The most known fairies to the humans -even if now they think of them as fantasy- are the Dragonfly Fairies, also presented as the godmother fairies. Mice Fairies are in charge of collecting human teeth, and Cat Fairies are keepers of the portals that connect the human world with the fairies world.
There is more info about this story on the following categories. "Stories" have either photostory or writing blog posts with stories and narrative about the fairies, and the "World" category contains facts and other secondary 'lore' about the world.
Faceup: default (both fairy and kitty).
Wig: ForMyDoll [FMDSS-1109], color Sweet Milk, size 5-6".
Eyes: Atelier Momoni, 12mm urethanes, light and medium gray (both fairy and kitty).
Character Profile: [ here ]
DoA's Doll Profile: [ here ]
Box Opening: [ here ]
Sculpt: Withdoll Strawberry, Ice Cream Children ver., girl body, skin rosy white.
Size: 16cm ~ tiny.
Faceup: default.
Wig: ForMyDoll [FMDSS-1114], color Baby Pink, size 5-6".
Eyes: Atelier Momoni, 12mm urethanes, dark gray color.
Character Profile: [ here ]
DoA's Doll Profile: [ here ]
Box Opening: [ here ]
There is more info about this story on the following categories. "Stories" have either photostory or writing blog posts with stories and narrative about the fairies, and the "World" category contains facts and other secondary 'lore' about the world.
Cookie Miu

- Fairy: Withdoll Donny, basic edition, girl body, skin brown tan (UV).
- Animal: Iplehouse Pet Doll, Black Cat.
Faceup: default (both fairy and kitty).
Wig: ForMyDoll [FMDSS-1109], color Sweet Milk, size 5-6".
Eyes: Atelier Momoni, 12mm urethanes, light and medium gray (both fairy and kitty).
Character Profile: [ here ]
DoA's Doll Profile: [ here ]
Box Opening: [ here ]
Merry Brie

Sculpt: Withdoll Strawberry, Ice Cream Children ver., girl body, skin rosy white.
Size: 16cm ~ tiny.
Faceup: default.
Wig: ForMyDoll [FMDSS-1114], color Baby Pink, size 5-6".
Eyes: Atelier Momoni, 12mm urethanes, dark gray color.
Character Profile: [ here ]
DoA's Doll Profile: [ here ]
Box Opening: [ here ]

Sculpt: Frappzilla Bloom Poppy,
Size: 14cm ~ tiny.
Faceup: by me
Wig: Tashka's Bear
Eyes: Mamma Frapp's
Character Profile: [ here ]
Box Opening: [ here ]