I ended up selling her, and it prompted me to change that story. So here we are again, updating this page at the end of 2019.
NOTE: I do not support recast/fake dolls. I'm pro-artist, and all my dolls are originals.
Story Setting
All characters in this story are humans (for now), and the world is a reasonably moder/current one. Some of the characters are fashion models, actors and others are more regular beings. It is centered in France.There is more info about this story on the following categories. "Stories" has writing blog posts with stories and narrative about the ongoing story, and the "World" category contains facts and other secondary 'lore' about the world.
PS: Links are yet not working as I changed the labels. You can find old stories (that are not "canon" anymore) in this link.
Venezia Reyes

Sculpt: Iplehouse JID Violet, doll choice. Old body, glamour bust, mobility joint, glow light brown resin.
Size: 43cm ~ mature mini.
Faceup: Stella's B-Type faceup, with black eyebrows.
Wig: Custom Angora wig, made by @nadena_wig.
Eyes: Garodoll Urethanes, 12mm small iris, custom blue.
Character Profile: [ here ]
DoA's Doll Profile: [ here ]
Box Opening: [ here ] (with Kitty Cookie).