Wednesday 13 February 2013

Wig Trouble! Help!

Wig I want to buy for my incoming doll.
Hello! I'm back from my trip! It was great, nice to see some family. Well, given that I got a 90% on my last U test before doing the final project, so my mom decided to give me more money to get some things for my incoming doll!! I was like 'Mom you are the best!'.

So, I decided to buy from Coolcat, and get the wig you see on the left as the main wig for my doll. At first I wanted curly, but since she will be the first and curly wigs are hard to maintain, I went for a straight one. I want that ash blond/light brown colour as her main.

The thing is I now want to get a second wig, since my mom gifted me some money. And I don't know which I should pick! It has to be 6-7 and in Coolcat, so I can snap this one and the shoes I want. I'm lost in if I want two on the same colour but different style, or if I should get two different tones and styles. I only know I don't want the same style in other colour.

I was thinking on this or this. Or maybe this one. OMG *so* hard to decide!! Help me please!! What do you think? All ideas are welcome!


  1. ah que difícil! estoy viendo la tienda de ebay de coolcat, porque en su web no tienen mucho. No tienen mucha variedad de pelucas en ese tamaño :s tendría que ser algo bien diferente, en modelo o en color, como para que se note claramente que es otra peluca, me parece a mi. a ver que tal esta:
    o algo cortito creo que se le vería muy moderno a tu nena:

    1. La cortita es muy bonita, me gusta la idea. ¡Gracias!

    2. ah no había visto los links! jajaja la primera q pusiste la veo con el mismo problema q la vieja peluca de Keres, tiene poco cabello y en las fotos se va a notar, porque siempre ves un poco del fondo entre las mechas jajaja Las que pusiste con ondas son muy bonitas ^^ no las había incluido porque tal vez las veías muy parecidas a la otra.

    3. Me gustan las onditas como segunda peluca. No me decido cuál es el problema. Si la oscurita o la que se desvanece a rubio claro. Aunque la corta que sugeriste me gusta bastante también :3

  2. These kinds of curls are not too hard to maintain though. It these kind who gets out of shape and become less pretty fairly quickly:
    But I like the first one! It's really cute, but I think all of them are really cute and will look great on your girl. :3

    1. Mmm... so maybe the curly brunette then :( Oh, I'm so confused! Thanks for the tip :D
