Sunday, 15 February 2015

Sleeping Beauty ~ Photostory

Well, the 'story making' bug hit me again, and I have been re-organizing my blog. If you check on the drop-down menu of My Dolls, I splitted it by size, since each size is a different story/world. It is not like I have so many dolls on each size, but I do have characters planned, and wanted to organize everything.

My main drive to do this was that last weekend I took photos of a small story of Cookie, and thought that it would be better to try and share her story through the photos, than taking random pictures with a different outfit each. I have several ideas, and things I want to take, mostly related to her story as a fairy. You can read a little more of that story, here.

I apologize for changing things so much, but I had never thought that the wig my mom gifted me for Cookie, would help me bond so much with her. She is so playable now. Her tail is clearly visible, and I can pose her around easily without tangling the wig.

And here she was, digging through her small notebook and checking her current task. An strange sighting has been reported that left astonished almost all dragonfly fairies. After that, Cookie got her orders: as a kitten fairy, she should go to the reported place, and check what all the commotion was about.

"What should I look for?" She wondered, looking to all sides, and getting back to check on her notebook.

 But then, she saw it. She run to the apple, kneeled and took it on her hands.

"Oh, no!" She thought. "Who could do something like this?" Cookie wondered, hoping no one was hurt...

 But after checking carefully, Cookie realized that the apple was already bitten. She raised her head, and saw the source of all the commotion among the Dragonfly Fairies.

Cookie hurried to get on her feet, and rushed to were the beauty was sleeping. Cookie inspected her carefully, writing everything down on her notebook, to later fill a report on the situation.

"She looks so peacefull" Cookie though. "What should I do?"

But then Cookie kneeled next to the sleeping beauty, and put her small hand on top of the princess'. She was happy to feel the hand warm, but something has to be done.

"Don't worry miss, the fairies will help you", she said, trying to comfort the lady.

Then, she got on her feet again, and went to retrieve the apple and her notebook. Who could have done something like that? She was surely going to find out...

"I will definitely get to the bottom of this!".

Anyways, silly me for writing that sort of thing, but she is so cuteeeeee! *cuteness overload*. And her tail is visible and she is so pose-able now! I'm so going to try and do more cute stories with her, I need to dare to go to the park that is near my house... but I would need an horde of dragons to hide me from the public, dang it.

Finally, thank you so much for keeping up with my silliness :3 You are all amazing! Get a bonus track of Cookie:

Maybe I should do an index of photo-stories? I dunno... I want to re-do the missing-crystal-shoe, too, bur probably later. I have something in mind for Cookie's birthday on March.

I will try to get her 10 facts up. It is already time!


  1. So cute!! I loved the story, Cookie is so adorable~
    An index for photo stories is great, I think it's a nice idea :)

    1. Thank you!!! Will check how to do the index, so far, I re-organized the drop-down menu!

  2. "Cuteness Overload" is the perfect term for these! She's adorable, and your photostory is as well! :)

    1. Yay, thank you!!! :D She is so, so cute :3
      Happy you liked the story!

  3. me encantó la fotonovela!! Quiero seguir disfrutando de esta historia y ver que descubre Cookie.

    1. ¡¡Gracias!! Tengo un par de ideas, a ver qué logro hacer :3

  4. Aah such a cute story <3 Both Cookie and Calina (is that the name?) are cutie patooties and I love the nice variety in angels and poses :3 great job!

    1. Thank you!! And yes, the "sleeping beauty" is Calina.
      So happy you liked it!

  5. Aww, such a cute little story! Cookie is just way too adorable. :D I really love the second photo of her! The way you see her blurred tail in the background is sooo cute. ^^

    1. Thank you!!! :D
      I love how her tail is so visible now, so cute!!!

  6. que lindas las dos! hermosas fotos! el look de cookie es adorable!! :3
