Monday, 9 February 2015

Secret Admirer

 First of all, I want to thank everyone for the support you all gave me in the last post. I truly appreciate it. Anyways, onto more happy topics, I took this photos last weekend. 

After taking a lot of photos for the Etsy, I changed Coco to one of my favorites blouses, that is also one of the first my mother made for me, long before she told me about her idea of knitting for dolls. I do love this blouse: it is so delicate! And I wanted to try my hand at something different... and then, I spotted my cat

He was lazily laying near the window, suffering from a complicate life of eating, napping, sleeping on my lap, and going to nap again; it is so hard, we are mean and don't understand xD. Anyways, I set up Coco far away from him (I don't know if he may scratch her) and started taking photos.

For the last of the session, my cat kind of looked to Coco, and that was it: I had to share this photo-shoot!

I know this are not incredible shots, nor the most imaginative ones either, but I just wanted to share them. I have learn so many things from this hobby (to be more patience, to learn to wait and save for things I want, to appreciate artist's work, and so many more things)... and she looked so perfect with that wig and the light from behind!

"What is he doing in there?"

My cat is so cute! And when one talks to him, he meows in return, like if he talked to us!

Out of topic -and if anyone is interested- yesterday I updated Cookie's posing challenge with newer and better photos, and also added Withdoll's posing video they had on Youtube. If you want to see the post, you can either check the slider on my blog, or click the following image to go there.


  1. Hahah awww XD Gotta love pets sneaking in the background when you're trying to do something...

    1. Yes!! He is really cute, couldn't resist to post it :3

  2. Heh, your cat looks like he thinks he belongs in the background! :)

  3. me encantaron las fotos de Coco y el minino. Se veían muy naturales.

    1. ¡Gracias! Si, en un punto, parece que se miran :3

  4. Very cute pictures! :3 the blonde wig suits Coco really well and I love how the cat is somewhat interacting with her xD

    1. Thank you! Yes, the blonde suits her so well, but to me, the light-brown wig is her default :3
