Wednesday, 4 June 2014

What am I doing looking at 1/3 dolls?

Well, there have already been so many twitts I've done with this issue. I kept going to check out SD (or better said, 1/3 sized) dolls, and thinking that if I would ever dare to own one. The only time I sewn for a local commissioner that had an EID, I almost died on a crisis for having to sew for something so big, that took so much time and fabrics, and that I coul not use my scraps.

But I kept looking at big dolls and wondering about the shoes I'll buy for them! I have a lot of self-control in purchases... maybe too much. So, I wanted to list my watching-interests -for now, because the last time I talked about a different size I ended buying one-  and share with you my thoughts.

Angell-Studio Anna
She is by far, the most beautiful SD that I have seen. There is no face on an big doll that I like more than her. I would probably get her with the default wig and eyes, because I find her so stunning and versatile with that look.

And also, Angell-Studio sells a lots of shoes!! And, talking about expensive dolls, I would love to get one of those chinese outfits they make. I love that clothing!

The issue here, is that Angell-Studio as a seller, sucks. First, they are from China, and parcels from that country take a lot of time, even if they ship with EMS. Second, they charge Paypal fees separately, so you have to pay everything+fees+shipping, and that makes it ridiculously expensive. And, to not go away from the topic, they also act really badly and don't even try to help if your parcel gets lost or takes more time on the travel. I don't know if I would risk myself like that for a doll =S.

Supiadoll Haeun
She is gorgeous. I love how versatile and different all the Supia girls are: they have strong facial features, and look really human-like and real. I like Haeun the best, and the fact that she comes with elf ears is so cute!!

Anyways, I like the 58cm body the best, plus it isn't that tall.

I have never bought from Supia before, so I can't say anything in that matter. The issue here is the same as always: she may be to big, but since we are talking just for fun, I thought to put her on the list.

To be honest, the first issue with me staring at some big girls came when I was thinking on a friend's Supia Rosy and went to the site, and found myself thinking tons of "what-if" this dolls. Not god.

SQ-Lab 53cm body
I must be honest. I started watching this body for a really silly thing. I'm on a Dearmine fan group, and a girl posted a picture of her Dearmine Diana with the SQLabs heart hands and I loved the detail those hands had. So I went to check the body and the option hands such a mistake, huh?

I have seen Turbow's and Lise's SQ-Lab taller bodies (there is a 59cm tall and a 61cm tall bodies, besides the shortie of 53cm) but I have never seen the shortie in owner pics. So, I went back to the source aka DoA, and lurked the SQ-Lab thread.

I think it is a gorgeous body, that fits SD16 heels wallet alarm, that seems to be affordable for the good quality. Also, I read that they fit some Iplehouses clothes, and went to compare they measurements: I compared Iplehouse JID against SQLab 53cm body and, to my amusement, found out that the JID is sometimes 1cm bigger or smaller than this body (talking about measures of the torso). So this isn't that big. And fits nice shoes.

The big drawback -there always must be one- is that I don't like the anime style heads. I won't lie, I have seen some gorgeously customized ones, but it is not my style =S. This body has a neck of 7.7cm so -for what I have researched- most 8-9" heads have a neck of 9cm and look bobble-headed on this body. I was recomended to look to Cats10 LM Sarubia/SQLab hybrid: here is a lineup of her dolls, and there is more of her Aden here and here.

Conclusions about this? I like this body the best, it isn't that big, but I don't know which head I could put on it. I check Little Monica and all of the would look bobble headed here, plus the only head I though was nice is Roselyn. Then checked Sadol and didn't like the faces, and I don't know that much about companies with big girls... What a problem!!!!

Anyways, which is your opinion on this matter? I now, I wrote just too much about this xD


  1. Haeun is gorgeous! Supiadoll really has some lovely sculpts - I don't have any of them myself, but I've always admired them.

    For what it's worth, I've ordered from Angell-Studio a few times (clothes, wigs and shoes only, never a doll), and while one of their packages did take longer to ship, I didn't have any real issues with them aside from that.

    1. Yes, Supia girls are so unique and interesting!

      I ordered from Angell-Studio, and that is how I now the charge PP fees on top of the price of their product. Also, my package got "lost" with the tracking not updated for like a month, and each time I contacted them, they ignored me :( Thankfully, the package ended up arriving safe and sound.

  2. Muy hermosas, que bellas. Me encantó este post

    1. ¡Gracias! :D Si, son todas preciosas :3

  3. cada vez que te leo hablar de supias, me dan ganas de tener mas jajaj!! las amo *_*!!!! a mí la tienda me pareció muy confiable y no me cobraron paypal fees. El cuerpo es bellísimo, nada que decir, tiene un detalle hermoso, su espalda me fascina *^*.

    A mí tampoco me gusta que angell studio me cobre los fees, pero tienen cosas bellísimas, una vez compré zapatos,y otra vez hice una orden de ropita, y todo está muy lindo, pero si, te entiendo.

    Las de sq labs me gustan, pero no sé si podría tener una bjd con carita de anime, me pasa como con las pullips, las adoro pero no sé si vale la pena gastar dinero en ellas cuando podría comprar mas cosas para mis bjds, o una nueva bjd

    1. Si, las Supias son bellísimas!!!
      Lo de las SQLab me pasa eso, no me gustan las caritas de animé, por eso me interesaría hacer un híbrido :D
