Monday, 17 November 2014

I Support BJD Artists ~ #proBJDartists

Hello everybody! 

Today I'm joining the #proBJDartists support day that started on Tumblr (and now is official even on DoA) after some sad events regarding recasts. I want to make clear that I'm 100% pro-artist anti-recast, and I do believe that recast-owners are not part of this hobby. It is so sad that this is happening to a hobby that is based around artists, creativity and much more, so I want to contribute with my grain-of-sand. 

Here is my support photo (I will be publishing it everywhere) and a little more rant under the cut.

Non of the excuses that pops up are valid for buying recast: they not only destroy our precious hobby, but attempt to the rights of the artists. Also, it is worth mentioning that those recast-factories don't consider healthy-work, and will usually employ children to work on un-healthy conditions for a toy that is no more than a luxury item. No. We may love this dolls, but they are only luxury items not needed for our survival... and I prefer thousand times to not have a doll, instead of having a fake and supporting children-work.

I'm going to quote this confession that appeared on Tumblr some time ago:


  1. Oh dear, I think it's so sad that recasts have become so common the hobby nowadays :( Back when I was very active in the hobby, around 2007-11 recasts were extremely rare and highly criticized. I took a break for a few years and now that I'm attempting to get back into the hobby it's so alarming and depressing to find how recasts have just exploded in popularity. I don't have the time like I once did to pour into research, so I highly doubt I'll ever purchase a doll second hand again, and it's even made me afraid to send any of my dolls out for face-up work either.

    1. Glad to hear you are back on the hobby! But yes, I think the situation with recasts has gone too far already, so I'm really happy that the #proBJDartists day had so much participants!
      Regarding face-ups, I think that as long as you stick to strictly pro-artist face-up artists, you are going to have no problem. I can recommend you a few, if you want :D

  2. Thank you for posting this. For some reason I was having issues getting on DOA yesterday, and without your post, I never would have known this was going on. I agree with you and this whole movement? campaign? 100% and was so happy I got the chance to take part.

    1. Happy you were able to find the campaign! I don't know who started it, I just simply wanted to give it more diffusion through my blog. And thanks for joining!

  3. Apoyo incondicionalmente a los artistas y me parece deplorable el Recast, ya que no sólo afecta el arte mismo sino también esta afición y lo que es más importante hay defender a los niños que trabajan en situaciones infrahumanas. NO AL RECAST!!

    1. ¡¡Gracias!! :D Y lo que dices es totalmente cierto.

  4. I totally agree with you and I was so happy to see so many people join the event!! Thanks for your contribution!

    1. I was also so happy to see so many people joining! :D
      Thanks to you :3
