Thursday, 27 September 2018

Closing Musume & Okasan

Hello everyone! I have not so good news to share with you. Sadly, Musume & Okasan, my mom's Etsy crochet store, had to been closed down. Why, you may ask? We actually started the year really good, selling a lot of stuff, and even made a huge commission for Aileendoll EU, which you should see at LDoll this year. We even made pretty professional cards to start sending away with new orders!

So... what happened? The thing is, we are actually getting limited in what we can ship internationally. We were asked to register as exporters, which means paying a monthly cannon of around USD125. To give you an idea, in my country that is equal to a college teaching assistant monthly salary. No joking in that, actually. So it is a lot of money.

My mom never did that much profit, and we never had a stable flow of orders and stock-sales to get on the compromise of paying that amount, just for... the chance of selling items. We did it because crochetting miniatures was my mom's hobby. She loved creating the miniature clothing. But for now, the store has to remain closed, as we cannot ship any package.

Thank you so much for everyone who supported us up to here. We really enjoyed the travel, and wish that someday we will be able to re-open the store.


  1. Oh no! I'm so sad to read this. D:

  2. Realmente una pena, pero no hay que perder la esperanza, tal vez pronto se pueda volver con la tienda y sus cosas tan bonitas

  3. Hi Musume,
    Oh boy I am not surprised by this news, it's like everyone on this planet wants to put an end to anyone selling their creative hobby items!! One can no longer sell the odd item or two without being pressured one way or another into becoming a "BIG BUSINESS" and most of us who enjoy sewing/knitting or crocheting for our dolls are in the same boat.

    Keep you chin up kiddo.
    Big hugs,

  4. So sad that governments feel free to put small hobby crafters out of business. It's not as if letting you sell internationally was depriving them of a huge income. Can you still sell within your country? Or is the bjd community there too small to support you?

    1. The community here is not located in my city and they won't pay for shipping either. Even worse, 90% is pro-recast =S

  5. Yo hace tiempo que no compraba nada pero me gustan mucho las creaciones de tu mami, espero eso no la detenga a seguir siendo creativa. Una lástica las políticas de envío, ojalá algún día puedan re abrir

  6. This is sad, that extra fees just put people in the need to close their shops and hobbies like that.

  7. Que pena que haya tanto desprecio por los artesanos y hobbistas y se pongan trabas innecesarias a cada iniciativa... Hay un volumen maximo para exportar sin registrarse como exportador o es obligatorio por cualquier cantidad? Mas alla de eso, te felicito por tu blog. Tu aporte al hobby con tus entrevistas a creadores es invaluable. Espero que ciertas cosas cambien para mejor y sea mas facil compartir nuestros talentos.
