Monday, 21 January 2019

Dragons' Anniversary? ~ Short Story

And so, I apparently have reached the state in which a) I have too many dolls or b) I have too much work, and either (or both) are making me forget my dolls' arrival dates. To prevent any further oblivion, I decided to make a draft post where I put all the dolls ordered by arrival dates. I have them all clustered from January to May, actually!

And so, today we are celebrating Aion and Nyx arrival, and my stepping down into the rabbit (or maybe dragony?) hole of wanting an army of tiny and adorable Aileendoll Plapicos to paint. Anyways! Here is a very small story and you will see that my poor hubby had to bite the mini-pudin to make it look like Aion's fault xD


Dragons do not celebrate their birthdays, as they were born with the universe itself, long before humans established a system to count time. However, some humans believe in magic and prepare special altars for the energy of the world. And so, dragons sometimes travel there in order to... be thankful of what is offered to them.

“Should we eat this?” Nyx question wondered in the space and Aion received it.

“Of course! We need to be grateful!” said Aion. After that, he materialized some wooden boxes and stood on them, in order to turn the candle off. This offering was beyond tempting.

Aion attempted his best to be polite, and split the pudding in half. Nyx took her half, but her meal was interrupted when Aion opened his jaw like if he was one of the human’s drawings, eating almost half the point of the pudding in one huge bite.

“You will choke!” she said. “Eat slower!”

“Mind your own pudding, Nyx!” he answered, spitting crumbs from his mouth. His magma-ish body glowing with anger.

She chuckled after seeing him trying to swallow the pudding that was still on his mouth, as his had not been able to hide that from her. She nodded and focused on her own half before he decided that she was eating too slowly.

And this was all! It is incredible to think that a year went by! And so many things changed! I'm so happy that I got them, I have wanted to paint dolls for so long and I really enjoy doing it, actually. Oh well, cheers to my dragons! Theros bday is on May, so we will have to wait for a little.

But as I said, a lot of dolly anniversaries are incoming! Now to think on what I can do for Cookie and Merry... any ideas?


  1. Happy anniversary to your little dragons, they are both amazing! ^__^ They have so much pudding cake just for two of them! xD Also best of luck for you and your move. <3

    Oh it is a great idea to post the drafts of dolls birthdays, I might do that myself too as I usually don't remember any of my dolls anniversary maybe except for Tobias, my first doll.

    1. Thank you!! The pudding cake was just so tiny actually but huge for them!
      Yeah, but if I keep getting dolls, I will start merging the bdays posts, though.

  2. Has it been one year already? Happy anniversary to Nyx and Aion. The pudding cake looks very good, so I'm sure your dear hubby didn't mind at all having to eat some. I have never kept track of my dolls' arrivals, but it's just as well because I have so many dolls there would be birthdays twice a month for an entire year. :D

    1. Amazingly, it has been! Poor hubby, he is always so helpful when it comes to biting the edible props I use in my photos xD
      Oh, but maybe you can do a collective bday post?

  3. OMG it only seems like yesterday that they arrived!! The time sure does fly when you're having fun. :) Happy anniversary Aion and Nyx, but be careful about eating all that cake in one sitting, you'll explode!! Hahaha!
    Big hugs,

    1. Indeed!! Time flew by!!
      I think they are masters of overeating and overindulging in sweets xD

  4. Happy anniversary to the dragons, can not believe that one year have already passed. It went by fast!

    Wonderful photos!

    1. Thank you!! And yes it has!! it flew by so fast that it is unbelievable!
      Happy you liked the pics <3

  5. Felicidades! What cute little dragons and a nice story, thank you for sharing :D

  6. Happy anniversary! I hope your little cutie didn't choke on any of the treats.

    1. Thank you!! Hahaha, I hope so as well!
