Sunday 22 March 2020

Fairy Roads ~ Lore

Yes, yes. It is time of another bit of stories regarding my fairies. They just foster my imagination, and I really like sharing these bits, honestly! So, today we have fairy roads. Do you like these stories? Should I keep posting them?

Where do fairies travel?

Have you ever encountered those tiny roads that appear to lead nowhere? Like a tiny passage between a tree's roots, or a new and unexpected route under your house's flooring? Or maybe, an unexpected hole that looks like a house entrance, or sometimes a paved road that has no apparent use.

Well, the and have a use. But the thing is that adults don't tend to see the users that walk around those roads. Has your cat ever been sleeping quietly, just to jump around as if something bit them? It was probably a fairy trying to go from one place to another, and your cat was in their way. Becase yes, those roads are used by fairies.

Not every fairy has access to the magic glitter required to open portals into the human world. So they travel in groups and set up a meeting point to return. That is why those roads are there. Because fairies need them to carry teeth (like Merry does, a Mouse Fairy), or other things to and from the Fairy Settlement. Even Dragonfly Fairies need to move piles of negative thoughts to be transformed into wishful and hopeful dreams.

Mean humans see these roads and destroy them with their feet. Don't be that person. If you see a road like that, be careful and grateful. Fairies are probably working near your place. Maybe even helping you!

And this is all for today! I hope you liked this one. I was thinking that I should get one of those fairy doors, just to make another little bit of lore like this. Do you do world-building with your dolls? Or just get a propr because it is *perfect* for a story? Let me know :D


  1. I love these little stories. They always make me smile. I rarely do anything like this myself, mostly because I don't have ideas. And probably because I have too many dolls to give them this kind of thoughtful treatment. Keep the fairy lore coming, please!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm happy that you like them.
      Oh, but I love your crew and your elves! I love the outfits you make for them. I miss the Outlander outfits, though.

  2. Another post that made me smile today . . . thank you M!
    Big hugs,

  3. Just keep these stories coming! :) It is a joy to read them!
    Some of my dolls have stories like this, but most of them are in my drawer - collecting dust. :D
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thank you, I am so happy you like them!!
