Thursday, 21 November 2013

Doll's I Have Named

Momocolor Momo29 Lucy
Interesting name for a blogpost, right? The thing is, that when I really like a sculpt I come up with a name for it, even if I won't buy the sculpt right away, or sometime. 

My idea here was to share some of this dolls and their names :3 Sometimes, I even have two sculpts for the same name, because I can't decide which one I like the most... they are not characters either, I don't find myself writing back stories for a doll, even if I do admire the people that does that.

This will be a small post, no big pictures of each sculpt, and the name links to the sales thread.
I know, only one boy =S Poor boy, he will be surrounded by women hahaha! Anyways. In my point of view this isn't nor a purchase list, nor a plan... I know that right now I don't have the funds to get another dolly, so be it. I hope someday to be able to get Coco a sister/friend/boyfriend hahaha.


  1. Melo, Stan y Fortuna son mis favoritos :)

    1. Tengo una obsesiĆ³n con Fortuna jajajaja!!

  2. As usual, you have a great taste in dolls. :) I especially like Yeon-bee! Those lips. <3
    I like the names you've chosen too. Are there any story behind how you found the names? :3

    1. Thanks! I also love Yeon-bee's lips! There are some little stories yeah...
      Miel is because a common said between my hubby and I, Fortuna because it has to do with the custom I would love to make to that doll, and Stan because it is the derivative of the name of an historical character I really like :3
      I should had posted the stories, too :3

  3. I love this idea... the preplanning is awesome.
    I can never do this... because I name a doll and then when it gets here, it's always, "Haha, you chose the wrong name! That doesn't suit me at all!"

    Little buggers!

    1. Ohh, it happens! But even if I have names, I don't know how they will be at all, hahaha!!!
