Sunday 26 January 2020

Secret Project: Shrike Eyes Package Review

Hello again! A little while ago I told you about my secret project. And this is the first step! All the dragons are going to need pretty eyes, and ShrikeAesthetics sales the Lucky Eye Bags at a very affordable price: $35 per bag, which contains 3 pairs each!

Here is a small and very short video about the eyes, to showcase all the amazing detail they have. All lucky bags are 10mm, and there is a special pair of eyes with a very important clue there (pssst: I'm doing a giveaway, so go check the video!).

There are closeup pics under the cut!

Also, I have more content regarding Shrike Aesthetics:

I am really excited about this! I need to explore the eyes a little bit, because the dragons should be arriving soon, and I need to match eyes to dragons, do franken-dragoning (yes, there'll be a video about that; and yes, I invented that term!), and come up with designs for 9 dragons!! Anyways, it is definitely going to be fun. I hope you'll like my following videos! :D


  1. They are all very pretty eyes M, I like the way they catch the light when you turn them in your hand. I can see you are going to have fun using them in the little dragons. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you very much! I love how these eyes shine, honestly!
      I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun!

  2. Beautiful eyes!
    I can't wait to see the franken-dragoning! And yes, I love this term. :D

  3. Such glittery and colorful eyes! Those will be beautiful on the dragons!

  4. Very pretty eyes and nicely displayed.

    1. Thank you! Shrike's eyes are stunning!
