Sunday 31 October 2021

Halloween Candies? No! Halloween Cheese!

Excuse me, but proper mice fairy eat what is proper of mice fairies--and that is cheese! A large variety of cheese, without minding its colour, strength, or source either. And you know what they say... those who eat without sharing, end up with pain in their bellies! Or, also known as, "Merry ate too much and got stomachache" Exhibit 1023.

Anyways, not much in the mood to write the entire story, but hopefully, the photos are telling enough. Enjoy!

And this is all! I hope you have a nice Halloween, and here is to hoping the next one is out of lockdown!


  1. Poor thing! She should drink some mint tea to feel better. I'm sure she'll share next time. :)

    1. She does the same every Halloween! Or whenever there is food available. Hasn't learned!

  2. Happy Halloween! I hope your lockdown will be over soon.

  3. Ouch, the last photo says it all. Hope she shares next time! :)

    1. I hope so, but she hasn't learned the lesson in years!
