Also, yes, I know--I promised witchy Kitty Cookie, and the photo here has no hat. I just loved the angle! (Picture me doing advanced camera-yoga to get that one, though). There is a witchy hat under the cut. And more photos--all taken with my Vivitar 90mm macro 1:1.

Those here are the first set I took, with the hat on. I can't recall how old the hat is, honestly... possibly 5-7 years old. That happens after almost a decade in the hobby! Anyways, as you can see, I'm trying to make better, more diverse angles.

Now, after that I took the hat off. Gratefully, the park I went for these photos was quite calm, so there wasn't many people around and besides a few curious glances, nobody came to pester. In any case, I was far away from the road, and I doubt they saw the tiny doll (Kitty Cookie is, possibly, 10cm tall).

What do you think of the photos overall? Happy trick-or-treating!
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