Monday 30 January 2023

Flowery Kitty

Hello again! So, I keep posting some photos from the holidays--just two days, but I ended up with roughly 2.5k of raw photos, and the prior day had 40 (!) edited (!!) photos. This one was a bit milder, with only 12 edited photos, but nevertheless that's quite a lot. It was quite funny because I took some, then panicked because Kitty Cookie was missing her tail, and then found it on the cushion she'd travelled. I only lost three shots because of the missing tail, and I did manage to retake one, so... no big deal.

Let's start with a flowery one, and then I'll make some comments on the other photos that are somewhat "related".

All of the photos here were taken with my trusty Vivitar 90mm f2.8 macro 1:1. This is a manual lens from roughly the '70s, and is apparently a hit-or-miss. My copy turned out to be a huge hit. The location, believe it or not, is the same garden for all these photos! I found a "nook" between non-food locals that was a "shared" garden, and had a banner that you could just sit and bring a cofee--of course, I spend about ~1 hour running around taking photos.

The first set here are some macros with nice leaves that I found to be quite nice--their greens were so vivid in real life!

For whatever reason, there was an old, manual, rusty scooter hanging from an old, rusty swing frame, and surrounded by an (you guessed it), old, spiderwed-infested tire (?) as a sculpture (??) in this garden. Regardless of how baffling it was, the colours were great, and I contorted my arm through a spiderweb-free area to place Kitty Cookie, snap some photos, and then rush to safety.

The "safety" mentioned above was actually a few bee-infested, ant-surrounded flowers. Nevertheless, I still managed to wriggle Kitty Cookie through some insect-free spaces, snap photos, and rush into the shadow to stash her and change lenses. I got two nice photos with each set of flowers I (dared) using, so here they are:


  1. Sometimes the beauty with a flowery kitty and the baffling setting can be the best combo!
