What it is included here? 16cm tinies, which are usually childish, stylized and looking like a chibi with huge heads. I'm not including anthro tinies, but if anyone is interested I may do a separated list for those too. Since these are not like the minis, I'm including other info for them.
However, please take in mind that I selected them based on my own subjective criteria. This means: 16cm tall (more or less), heads around 5-6" wigs, not anthro, stylized and not realistic. So, without further ado, you can find the list under the cut! At the bottom there is also a list of cancelled/sold-out lines, just to have that info in there.
LatiDoll Yellow

Height: 16cm the regular version, 20cm the SP version.
Eyes: From 12mm to 14mm, depending on the sculpt.
Body Options: There are two versions of bodies, old and new, which does not cost anything extra. You can also get the SP version with longer legs, that is 20cm tall.
Resin Colors: Basic releases are usually normal or white. However, some limited releases have appeared on different shades of tan, and even fantasy colors like gray.
Sales Types: They have a basic line, and do limited releases. For the limited, there is always the option of getting the full package (all the dolls of the collection) together. I have never seen a re-release of a limited version, so their second hand price is usually high. Also, Lati is known for having quite a delay on producing dolls (around 6 months).
Links: Latidoll yellow basic dolls sales page, and limited versions sales page.
Fairyland Pukifee

Height: 15.5cm tall.
Eyes: Depends on the sculpt, but from 10mm to 12mm.
Body Options: The have genderless bodies, and they have faceplates, instead of heads. Fairyland usually releases special parts with the limited releases, such as ears, tails, hands and feet. Usually, their head sculpts also come with a dreaming/sleeping version, which you can get with an additional cost.
Resin Colors: Normal and white are common for basic editions. Tan skin is ocasionally limited in quantity for the limited editions.
Sales Types: They do basic releases and limited. However, full packages are restricted by quantity only, so they may be available for a time. FL does not accept layaways, though.
Links: Basic editions and fullsets.
Withdoll Tinies

Height: 16cm. However, there was a limited edition (the Swan Edition) whose sculpts had a bigger head than regular, and therefore they where 17cm talls. They haven't released any of this again.
Eyes: From 8mm to 12mm, depending on the sculpt.
Body Options: They have a gendered body, and usually the limited releases come with special parts (from ears, paws, feets, tails, and even duck faces). However, an old release had a chubbier genderless body, which has not been re-released again. You can see posing photos here and a video here. I also did a challenge reproducing these poses with my own doll. Also, they always come with free fist hands!
Resin Colors: They have the biggest variety out there. From two whites, normal, and several shades of tan, including gray and green, which are limited. They use urethane resin, bot those colors labeled as (uv) are environmental resin.
Sales Types: This line started as limited only, then attempted a basic sale and removed it. It went back to being limited for years, and now they are releasing basic editions again. However, Withdoll does a lot of re-releases, so it is easy to get their dolls again. Also, second hand prices are usually very low.
Links: They don't have dolls filtered by size, so have a link to their website.
Luts TinyDelf

Height: 16cm, even the fantasy bodies.
Eyes: Usually 12~14mm, as they have big eyes.
Body Options: They are apparently genderless (for what I can see here), and have several options for types of hands. Also, limited editions allow you to chose different heads, and some are elf-versions of existing sculpts. They also released a centaur body, and wings.
Resin Colors: They have white, normal and some tans. What is a plus, is that the lightest tan does not cost extra money when ordering.
Sales Types: They are one of the only brands I have found that sell the body alone. They usually have basic editions and quantity-limited releases. They only one I know they re-released where the centaurs, and with some limitations. Their second hand prices are similar to new dolls.
Links: Body only and basic dolls. They also have anime-styled heads, and zuzu (anthro) heads.
LittleMonica BonBon

Height: They are 17cm tall, and their heads are closer to 6", so they are the biggest heads on this list.
Eyes: 14mm, but they have only one sculpt.
Body Options: Genderless body. It is double jointed, but there are no option parts, not even hands.
Resin Colors: White or normal, only.
Sales Types: They line is very, very new. So far, they only have one sculpt, which is basic.
Links: Basic dolls sales page.
PiposDoll PO7

Height: 14cm, they are the shortest on the list, but they still wear 5-6" wigs.
Eyes: 12~14mm, depending on your taste.
Body Options: Only one body, genderless. However, they offer animal ears and tails parts.
Resin Colors: Basic edition has normal skin only, but there was a limited release with dark tan skin.
Sales Types: Basic and time-limited releases.
Links: They don't have separations for basic and limited, so have a link to the PO7 section of their website.
Darak-i Cuties

Height: 16cm.
Eyes: between 12mm and 14mm, depending on your taste.
Body Options: The body is genderless, and there are no option parts. They also only come with one type of hands only. Here is a comparison near a LatiDoll Yellow, and another one. Also, it is worth noting that they have sleeping heads, which is rare.
Resin Colors: They have white, normal and two tans. The tans cost an additional amount, but they are still affordable. Some sculpts are available in tan only on limited releases.
Sales Types: Basic and limited, although there is not much info on them. Nine9 is a dealer, but they are all sold out on their website. I have no information on why is that, though.
Links: Another website with unclassified dolls. So have a link to the Cuties section, which has limited and basic all mixed out.
Atelier Momoni 16cm

Height: 16cm
Eyes: 8mm to 10mm, depending on the sculpt.
Body Options: There is only a girl body, but they have three different pairs of hands. Also, they have faceplates. This is an artist doll, though. Here is a comparison with LatiDoll Yellow, and a photo of all the optional hands. They may be smaller, but still fit LY shoes.
Resin Colors: Since it is an artist doll, colors depend on the preorder or event. Some preorders have been done with natural or tan colors, but some BJD conventions had some limited editions in fantasy colors, such as gray.
Sales Types: Preorders, as it is an artist doll.
Links: Here is a link to AtelierMomoni's website, although doll stock may change depending on the preorders. Also, there is Andreja's box opening of Melo (video here)
Aquarius Doll Fairy16

Height: 16cm tall.
Eyes: Depending on the sculpt, they wear from 8mm to 12mm.
Body Options: The body is genderless, and has double joints. You can see the body here, although Aquarius does not sell parts individually.
Resin Colors: White, normal and light tan. The plus, is that they do not charge an extra cost for the tan resin.
Sales Types: They only have basic editions. However, it is worth noting that Aquarius has not been releasing new sculpts for their resin line, but they keep producing and delivering on short notice. My educated guess is that they are mostly focused on their bisque business.
Links: Basic sales page, on the official website.
ChicaBi Chibi

Height: 16cm
Eyes: 10~12mm, depending on the sculpt and your taste.
Body Options: The body appears to either be girl only or genderless. It also comes with closed hands (they are not fists, and look more like grabby hands).
Resin Colors: Only normal and white.
Sales Types: Basic only. ChicaBi has had limited editions of their other sizes, but not of this, yet. Also, the body cannot be bought separately.
Links: Basic sales page on their website.
BlueFairy Pocket

Height: 16cm
Eyes: 8mm~10mm, depending on the sculpt.
Body Options: There is boy and girl body. However, you need to be careful when selecting the options, since Bluefairy also offers other bodies (brother/sister, pepper/sugar) which are taller, thinner, and some more mature. They also offer fist hands, but they are an optional part that has an extra cost.
Resin Colors: Normal and white only.
Sales Types: Basic sales, although Bluefairy does a weird thing. The head sculpts become available only on a given month, or range of months. Therefore, you need to decide on which sculpt, check the release calendar, and purchase it when it is up for sales.
Links: Pocket fairy sales page, and also body only page.
MiyaDoll Petit Mocha

Height: 16cm
Eyes: 12~14mm, depending on the sculpt.
Body Options: Genderless body, and there are no optional parts as hands or such.
Resin Colors: White, normal and tan. However, the last one costs extra money.
Sales Types: Basic sales, although Miyadoll is an independent artist.
Links: Basic sales page, on official website.
Sseiren Dandy

Height: 16.5cm
Eyes: 8~12mm, depending on the size.
Body Options: The body is genderless and apparently one-piece torso. Their "parts" sections has some tiny hands listed, but even the English version is half in Korean, so I wasn't able to get reliable information on this. In any case, they are additional to the doll and need to be purchased separately.
Resin Colors: White and normal. However, some past limited releases were offered on a light tan.
Sales Types: Basic sales, although the body only is currently listed alone and marked as sold out. They have had some limited editions too, and have one anthro head too. I also saw them on Nine9, but they were all sold out there.
Links: Basic sales page, and body only page.
Migidoll Baby

Height: 14cm
Eyes: 8~12mm, preferably low dome. It can be seen on the sales pages that high dome eyes do not fit them well.
Body Options: Genderless body, with no additional option parts.
Resin Colors: White and normal only.
Sales Types: Basic and limited, but they are all mixed up on the website, so you will see some sold out sculpts.
Links: As there is no separation on the website, have a link to the size section.
DreamingDoll Honey Elva

Height: 16cm
Eyes: From 6mm to 12mm, depending on your taste. Some sculpts will show no sclera (white part) at all with 12mm eyes.
Body Options: The body is genderless. You can purchase several hands (peace, fist and spread) separately from their website, for an additional cost.
Resin Colors: They have white, normal and tan. However, the tan resin is very dark and costs additional money.
Sales Types: Basic, though I'm not sure if they do limited editions. Some of their dolls can be purchased as a package (three of them together) as LatiDoll does with some of their releases. This package appears to have a reduced price. The body can be purchased separately.
Links: You can purchase them from their own website (basic sales here) or from Nine9 (basic sales here), though the latter is missing some sculpts. I only found the additional parts on the official website, here.
Impldoll Tiny

Height: 16.5cm
Eyes: 8~12mm, preferably low dome, depending on the sculpt and your personal tastes.
Body Options: None, and the body appears to be genderless, despite the website having sections for boys and girl dolls.
Resin Colors: They have a huge variety, from white, normal, to several tans and grays. Some colors have an additional cost, but it is inexpensive compared to other brands. I need to say something: Impldoll does custom resin color upon request, and they also do color matching, provided that you sent them a resin piece to match with. I have never used this service, so I don't know the cost of it, although I have read very good feedback about it.
Sales Types: Basic only.
Links: You can purchase them directly from Impldoll (basic sales page here) or from AliceCollections (link here). I know Alice is dealer of only some of the companies it offers, and it is a mere re-seller of other ones. I'm not sure which one is the case for Impldoll.
XagaDoll Golden Obsidian

Height: 16cm, although one of their dolls is listed as 14.5cm.
Eyes: 8~12mm, depending on the sculpt.
Body Options: Genderless body, although all their dolls are styled as girls. Also, they do not sell any additional parts for this line, though their other lines does have them.
Resin Colors: Normal only.
Sales Types: Basic only.
Links: You can purchase them directly from the official website (link here) or from AliceCollections (link here), though the latter does not have all sculpts available.
Irrealdoll Engendritos

Height: 17cm
Eyes: These sculpts tend to use very tiny eyes, around 6~8mm, preferably small iris and low dome.
Body Options: The body is genderless, and there are no extra option parts available.
Resin Colors: This is an artist doll, so the available resin color may change on each preorder. They have done from white to tans, and even some light blue limited editions.
Sales Types: Again, as it is an artist doll, these are sol by preorder. This means you need to wait until the artist announces a sale, and only some sculpts and resin colors will be available. Something to consider is that they do not list the resin color as an option, but instead create a separate listing. A good point is that they usually offer three styles of default faceups.
Links: The sales page only list them by size, and they are all mixed between limited, basic, and the listing for each size... so have a link to the size section. I also interviewed Irrealdoll.
Soom iMDA 1.7

Height: 17cm
Eyes: 8~10mm, preferably low dome and small iris, and it depends on the sculpt.
Body Options: The body has gender, so there is a boy and girl version, both of the same height. There are no additional hands, but you can get some cat ears for them. I need to mention this body is different from others, as it is more pear-shaped (click the link for photos). Here is a comparison with Latidoll Yellow and FL PKF.
Resin Colors: This is Soom, so normal and cream white, and I guess it matches their regular colors.
Sales Types: As far as I know, they are basic and limited edition, although right now they are sold out. I wasn't able to find any notice of permanent sold out.
Links: Basic sales page here.
Pink Vetch Prunus

Height: 16cm
Eyes: 12~14, depending on the sculpt and your taste.
Body Options: Body is genderless, and there are no extra parts such as hands or fantasy parts. However, this is a very new release, some more things may come up in the future. The body appears to pose really nice (see here) and it also it is also slightly pear-shaped (see comparison here).
Resin Colors: So far, only normal/cream. I'm not quite sure, but there is only one color. However, this is an artist doll, so there may be more colors available depending the preorder.
Sales Types: This is an artist doll, so the sales work by preorder only. I need to point out that they do discounts and even allow to buy several heads with the same body, and a discounted price.
Links: Since the artist is Chinese, you can find the dolls on the dealer's website. Link here.
KCDoll Lyalya & Siblings

Height: 15-17cm
Eyes: 8mm
Body Options: For now, she is coming with a open-eyes head only. But Lisa, the sculptor, has stated that she plans to do smiling and sleeping faces. As all of her dolls have many options, this is probably going to happen very soon. You can also get the headband and the shoes. Also, Lisa can make wigs, clothing and shoes upon request.
Resin Colors: So far, the colors are normal and white. However, Lisa has stated that she is considering making a tan-skin pre-order.
Sales Types: She makes pre-orders, but casts the dolls herself. Each pre-order has different availability of resin colors.
Links: I interviewed Lisa Babenko, the artist from KCDoll. You can also check her Etsy and Website.
Lina Chouchou Bebe

Height: 16cm
Eyes: 14mm, but 12mm may also look good, depending on your tastes.
Body Options: None. The body is an "angel" body, meaning that is has no gender parts. You can get a default faceup.
Resin Colors: Normal only. There are no options, and I have no information on any plans for future releases.
Sales Types: On demand. You purchase the doll from the website, and you need to wait so that it can be casted and prepared.
Links: Official website, on the Bebe Chou line.

Also, there have been other brands that carried these dolls, which are now sold out. Here is a list, but it might not be complete:
- Crobidoll T-Line.
- Peakswood Fantawoods Fanta16.
- Bambicroni Ange. They were 20cm tall, but fit LY clothes.
Also, I'm not including Supia Baby because they are a little more realistic than what it is featured on this list, sadly. In this line, Dollzone 16cm tinies are... unique, so they didn't quite fit the list. Aleep Eidolon does have one tiny sculpt, but I only found them on MintOnCard with very scarce information.
And so, this is all for today! I honestly didn't knew that so many artists or companies offered this size, until I started researching. It actually took me several days to finish writing this post, because they were so many! If you have info on anyone I may have missed, let me know and I will add them to the list.
Finally, let me know if anyone would be interested on a 16cm anthro list, although those are pretty scarce, though, regardless of Pipos and Dearmine's unique aesthetic. Anyways, I do hope you find this useful, and if you feel tempted, you may have guessed that I'm an enabler xD Have a great weekend!
This is a cute list! I want all of them, haha.
ReplyDeleteNo, honestly, I really do like the 16cm-ish tinies. They're so cute.
I keep dreaming, especially about Tiny Delfs and Pukifees, and I have an idea. I just can't do it now XD
Thank you for sharing the list :3
Glad this is helpful! I loved doing the list and ended up wanting all of them xDD
DeleteMuy buena la lista de Tiny, hay para todos los gustos. En lo personal me encantan, todas son adorables, no sabría cual elegir
ReplyDelete¡A mi también me encanta! Uno no se puede quedar con un sólo tiny xD
Deleteamg x3 they're all so adorable! I love the amazing range of cute costumes the companies put on these tiny cuties xD!!
ReplyDeleteI know, right?? And the outfits are always so adorable!!
DeleteSo much cuteness! As I started reading the list, I wanted to comment with my favourites, but the list was longer than I expected and in the end, I just couldn't decide. xD
ReplyDeleteI just saw some news about this company that also makes tinies in this size: www.bambolaworld.com. They're a bit anime like, though. So I don't know if they will fit on your list, but I wanted to let you know. ^^
It happens the same to me!! Thank you for the link, but they are indeed a bit too anime. Maybe I should list companies that make animetic-looking BJDs... xD
DeleteI'm interested in the anthro list!!!
ReplyDeleteThis was a very nicely done list as well, I love this size, maybe someday I'll own one or 2 :D
I will try to do that one too! :D
DeleteYou should definitely get some 16cm tinies they are really adorable :D
Oh Musume, what are you trying to do to me??? So much temptation and eye candy to choose from. Some of which I have already, many Pukifees, several Tiny Delf, a couple of Lati Yellows and I have had my eye on a few Darak Cuties, however I had no idea there were so many 16cm darlings.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for attempting to empty my wallet for the year!! LOL!!
Big Hugs,
P.S. I already typed a comment before this one, but lost it when my computer went haywire, so if it turns up, just delete it.
I know, right?? I got super tempted as well!! You are welcome, I am an enabler, so I'm just continuing to make up to the task :D
DeleteYikes, so much tiny cute dolls. I have my favorites- irrealdoll, littlemonica, momoni and miyadoll petit mocha. That would be a little adorable crew! I like this list and it gave me good information and new places to visit! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI agree!!! Happy to help and enable :D
Deletehttp://linachouchou.net/ there are cute 16CM TINIES, too<3
ReplyDeleteThank you! I finally updated the post! :D
DeleteI apologize for the terrible delay D: