Monday 25 February 2019

The Culprit! ~ Merry's Bean Adventure

And so, the story continues! If you remember, some dragons had been following Merry, and when the "bean" grew up, they tasked her with finding the one who originally stole the beans. So, I know a lot of time passed by, but I got this idea for continuing the story and I thought it would be great! I never expected that a photoshoot that started as a joke would turn out into a complete story.

So, without further ado, here is a pic and the story is under the cut!

The Culprit

Merry was sleeping peacefully and sound and she did not felt the energy manifesting in her own room. However, her faithful mouse pet did felt it. There was someone there, and it knew it. Soon, the energy took the shape of a pink dragon, covered in fiery flowers. The dragon did not pay attention to the mouse and, instead, was focused in inspecting the place.

Theros was sure Merry was the indicated to continue with her task. But she didn’t dare to openly ask the fairy for help. How would she tell her that she had the magic beans, and that she wanted help to pot them? She simply wanted to leave the beans back on Merry’s hands. She inspected the place, and decided that putting the beans near the cheese would be her best option. She moved the chair and climbed on it.

However, when Theros tried to move around to drop the beans, her wings got stuck on the chair’s back. Thinking someone would try to capture her, she flung her wings trying to free herself, but only managed to drop the chair, fall to the ground, and spread the beans around her.

The noise woke up Merry, who sat down on her bed. Her sleepy eyes were confused for a moment, but soon she recognized the same dragon that had eaten her pastry during New Year’s fireworks! And she even had her magic beans spread around her!

“You are trying to frame me!” said Merry. “You stole the beans!”

“I am not framing you” Merry heard a sparkly, almost child-like voice on her mind. The pink dragon untangled herself from the chair, put it right back up with the power of her energy, and then flew up to sit on it.“I put the beans out for you to find, because they are sad! They need to be potted! Seeds need to become plants!” She said, and the thought of having a lone, dry seed made her eyes sparkly brown again.

“You wanted me to plant them?” Merry asked, confused. “But Aion doomed me to find the culprit!”

Theros eyes went back to the sparkly rainbows they were. “He is Death! Of course he wants the seeds to die! Nyx will understand...” she said, looking down. “Please, I beg you. Help me!”

“But I will be punished if someone finds out...” muttered Merry, uneasy.

“I will convince Nyx to aid us. I promise!” said Theros. “Besides, don’t you want to see a true beanstalk?” Merry’s face slowly changed from doubt to joy, and Theros congratulated herself for convincing the fairy.

“Alright then! But promise you will help me!” said the mouse fairy, and the dragon nodded. She moved the beans until they were on Merry's lap, and flew back to the floor. Finally, she had found a partner for her mischief.

I think these two are going to be dynamite together. Poor Cookie. Poor Nyx. And I'm sure Aion is not gonna be too happy when he founds out what was actually going on. Now, I need to think what are they going to do. Any suggestions? What would you like to see happening?


  1. OMG, this is funny. I love it! The photo of Theros face-planted on the floor is too much. :D The plot is getting complicated--in a good way. Your story ideas are so much better than anything I could come up with, I'll be happy with whatever mischief you have planned for Merry and Theros.

    1. Thank you!! I am so happy you liked this!!! Yeah, the plot is getting complicated. I have one more chapter thought, but I need to think how that goes after that xD

  2. I don't think you need my help with the story Musume, your imaginations is doing quite alright on its own. :) I really enjoy reading all your stories, they are so much fun and let's face it, I'm a big kid at heart. LOL! Now I'm looking forward to seeing what mischief these two get up to next.
    Big hugs,

    1. Hahaha, thank you!! I am so happy you all have enjoyed this story that started so randomly!! I need to think about how to continue after the next chapter, but I think I may have an idea...

  3. Ouch, head first down the chair! :) Love this story and mostly I love to look at the photos - so many details and a story in them too!
    Keep these stories coming! <3

    1. True! Ohhh that is so kind, thank you!! <3

  4. Que entretenido y tierno! Me encantaron las fotos

  5. How cute! I love the little pink dragon too, despite the fact that I feel mischief in the air for poor Merry!

    1. Thank you!! The pink one is Theros. She is a handful!!
