Sunday 18 December 2022

Goals Balance!

Hello everyone! It's that time of the year, and here comes Merry to balance (awfully) and see how we fared! I hadn't set up many goals for this year (you can read them here), and I'm happy to see that I'm slowly regaining the interest for the hobby. I guess burnout really takes a toll. Anyways, it begins under the cut!

Goals Review

1. Take more photos. [...] between the lockdowns and the lack of a nice place to take photos, I ended up loosing motivation.
I believe this one went quite well. Not only I took quite a lot of photos, I practised new things and also begun a printed album! I haven't shown it here yet, but trying to get photos that are stunning enough to warrant being printed is a great motivation!

2. Keep working on my Blythe store.
I failed awfully on this. I tried some good outfits, good fabrics (Liberty!), and decent prices, but I got no sales at all. It was really, really demotivating honestly. I do have my Blythe because I *love* sewing for her, and was thinking on perhaps getting a tan one and mod her as well, but I ended up closing the store.

3. Try to sew for other dolls and distribute my attention.
Somewhat fail? What can I say, sewing for Kanon and Hope (my Blythe) is just bliss! I didn't sew anything new for Venezia this year (my Iplehouse) and the tinies just reuse what they have over and over. Poor Sandy, the new tiny, I only took two sets of photos of her, and nothing else! D:

4. Possibly do something for the blog anniversary?
Nope. Too much effort. Also, I'm unsuccessfully trying to contact some cool artists for the interviews 10th year anniversary, and have been so far thoroughly ignored.

5. Engage more in other blogs.
I think I more or less tried. There were a couple on which I commented regularly (although always late!) but at least I did it! Hopefully, next year I'll be more active!

And if you are interested on seeing how Merry fared with the balancing chair, it you have the before and after!


  1. Oops, I hope Hope didn't hurt herself when she fell. Lovely pictures to illustrate balance. How about getting a Monst doll and sewing for her? I am sure you will have as much fun with it as you have sewing for your other tiny dolls.

    1. Oh, I have considered that! Also, getting another Blythe, ha! I just love that size, to be honest!
      The photos here were actually funny to get, quite a balance indeed!
